Thursday, May 05, 2005


Ahh New York!

I am not a big fan of ice cream. In my childhood days, my parents or elders could never bribe me with ice cream, like they used to do with my brothers and cousins. They were obviously surprised and tagged it as another one of those idiosyncrasies of mine (and were also surprised at how long that list was getting!). Well, anyway, I am still pretty much the same. I say "pretty much" and not "very much" because a few weeks ago, I tried a particular icecream and finally felt that there is one that you can definitely bribe me with.

Ever tried Ben and Jerry's "New York Super Fudge Chunk"? The rich chocolate with a generous scattering of various kinds of nuts, all existing together in aesthetic harmony and for the sole purpose of giving you that ultimate taste!

Hate to break it to all the "after-lifers" but you can experience heaven in this life - New York style!

Thats funny...could have sworn I was one of a kind there :)
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