Friday, February 11, 2005

Just testing posting from wbloggar. This would be extremely helpful to my blogging!

so what is wbloggar?
WBloggar is like a desktop app interface to your blog. So that you dont have to access your blog through your browser and edit it there. This is more flexbile and more importantly, if you want to record some thoughts instantly, you can open it up, write it and hit "publish".
sounds good to me. man, i wish there was some tool, where I did not have to actually sit and type.. it should have a remote interface that is wireless and plugged into my brain and actually transform all the thoughts inside into words!!

*sigh* that would make my blogspot blank I would guess!! Oh! Well, One can always wish for things!!
Or it could be the other extreme and you could spill out some deep dark thoughts in your subconscious which people wouldnt really want to know ! Not everyone is as thick-skinned as I am ;)
Hey I thought blogs are where deep dark thoughts were supposed to end up... did I have it wrong all this while?!
Give me link to SEO software (promotion, advertisement, etc.). I'm need it to promote my new e-shop.
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