Friday, May 28, 2004

Graphical Editor for object development

Is there a development environment where you can do object-oriented development by dragging and dropping objects on to a workspace and then edit each of those objects to write code? I am thinking something similar to an IDE like PowerBuilder or Visual Studio which allows us to drag ang drop visual objects (text boxes, checkboxes etc) and then doubleclick on them (on click a menu) to go to a corresponding code editor to edit the code?
I know that you can do some in Visual Studio (ie drag a data adapter onto a form). But I was thinking more from the point of view of non-visual classes where no visual objects are involved. Like for example, if we write a few classes for generating an order - i should be able to drag a class onto a workspace, name it "Order" and write code. Then drag another class, name it "orderline" and write code. The point is that while I edit code to the right side of the IDE, the high-level class relationship is visible on the left as a whole.
I am sure somebody must have already thought of this? maybe it already exists in IDEA, Eclipse? Or Rational? Dont know...need to check it out....

he he.. you need to check out some editors we built for the resource management platform as part of our product at Consera. It is now shipped by HP as Open View Service Delivery Designer.

The idea is to allow the developer to use designer tools like Visio or Enterprise Architect to "architect" their product... and then capture the code behind in small snippets which get invoked as per the data and control linkages specified.

Comes down to someone dragging and dropping objects onto a flowchart and then the system compiling the flowchart into actual code where the objects interact in the means depicted.

Unfortunately, it is not for sale by HP yet.
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